Rep. Meeks Condemns Trump’s
Offensive "Sh*thole" Comment
Offensive "Sh*thole" Comment
"I am bitterly ashamed by our President’s abhorrent, bigoted, heaving ignorant comments about Africa, El Salvador, and Haiti without any regard for history or fact..."
Washington, D.C.—Congressman Meeks released the following statement on President Trump’s question—“Why do we want all these people from sh*thole countries coming here?”—in a bipartisan immigration meeting:
“I am bitterly ashamed by our President’s heaving ignorant comments about Africa, El Salvador, and Haiti without any regard for history or fact. I am not alone; people around the world awoke to another episode of Donald Trump diminishing the United States’ world standing with repulsive and blatantly racist comments. In the days leading up to the eighth anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti, when the President should have offered inspiring messages of rebuilding and Haitian resilience, he showed his true bigotry once again.
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“Lest we forget, Haitians shed blood on American soil in the Revolutionary War, fighting for our nation’s independence. It’s clear that President Trump lacks basic world knowledge and an appreciation for that history.
“The President insulted African countries and African people, demonstrating his cluelessness about the strength, prosperity, and stability that exist across Africa today. He seems woefully and dangerously unaware that many African nations partner with us to further our shared security and prosperity.
“My deep concern is that President Trump’s obvious racism and obliviousness will continue to be embedded in his policies. One must wonder whether it was the basis for his recent decisions to expire Temporary Protected Status. One must question whether his evident prejudice is the reason he has failed to acknowledge the tremendous contributions of certain immigrant communities.
“All of this ignorance and racism is nothing new. Time and time again, Donald Trump has pushed discriminatory policies and spewed racist rhetoric."
“I am disappointed when many of my Republican colleagues fail to speak out against President Trump’s repeated assaults on basic American values. In this instance, with only a few honorable exceptions, their deafening silence continues. American values and American promise aren’t bound by color, by party, by creed, or by religion, and our nation’s leaders should act accordingly.”
“As we honor the great Martin Luther King, Jr. this weekend, I am reminded of his prescient words, ‘History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”
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