"I became inspired by the Obamas and President Obama through his backing of powerful women," Jasper shares. "I once heard a story about Obama, perhaps re-told from one of his books, on how he met a young Black woman staffer where he was a community organizer, who arrived one day wearing blue contact lens.
Article & Video On the promising new book Obama Chicks Continues After Sponsor's Message Below...
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Video & Article On the Promising New Book Obama Chicks Continues Below...
The Obama Chicks identifies the traits of Obama that inspired the bolstering of women, and how these traits shaped his White House leadership, presidential policy and platforms. It also includes voter and election data analytics and data visualization to tell the "data" story behind Obama's winning campaigns with the support of American women, documenting his legacy through interviews with some of the women impacted by his changes.
Barack Obama opened doors for many women both in and out of the White House, appointing a record number of women to White House cabinet positions - the most women in the history of any US American president. All the while leading groundbreaking legislation to support American women.
"This book discusses how Obama laid the groundwork for the current surge of American women in politics today, inspiring women to continue this trend and to continue to make progress in their everyday lives," Jasper shares. Despite the recent increase in the number of women running for US office there remain many barriers to entry.
As a trailblazer in traditional STEM careers, an expert global software technology project manager, and private airplane pilot, Jasper shares "I chose to write this book to help empower and inspire women - especially women of color."
For the month of August 2019, Jasper has launched a campaign through Publishizer, a crowd-publishing platform that matches authors directly with publishers in an effort to land a deal with a large publishing house. If her pre-sale goal is met within this month's campaign, Jasper will be on her way to working side by side with a large publishing entity equipped to give her literary work the attention it needs, enabling her to spread her message far and wide.
"I'd like to encourage people to check out the book pre-sale campaign I'm doing. For their support I'm offering several bonuses like webinars on topics within the book, tickets to the book launch party and an opportunity to have your story in the book," Jasper states. Through the seven packages, individuals have an opportunity to purchase one copy or several - with great perks in return for their support.
One specific donor level that's close to Jasper is the Change Maker level. This gives women supporters a voice and an opportunity to personally share how Obama has impacted their lives. "How did you work with Obama? Did you campaign? Did you meet him? How did he impact your legacy?" Jasper asks.
It's these kinds of stories that motivate, and ones that she hopes would leave an everlasting impression on hearts and minds nationwide - igniting change and inspiration. She adds, "Their purchase of the book goes toward helping to create another pillar in the movement that Obama started - one of equality for women and for all people."
For more details on The Obama Chicks, checkout the Publishizer campaign at https://publishizer.com/the-obama-chicks/ and make your pre-purchase today.
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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