San Diego, CA -- You don't have to be a parent to know that parenting is a full-time job with barely any breaks in between; and ensuring your child is well attended to is an around the clock task, even when they aren't in your presence. Shan Cureton, a mother of three, understands this all too well.
She is the founder of Kiddie Commute, a full-service transportation company for kids located in the greater San Diego area; and the only Black woman-owned transportation company in the state. It is also the only comprehensive service that serves the needs of parents and caregivers, offering safety and reliability.
Launched in 2017, Kiddie Commute was created purely out of need. "I am a busy working mother. At the time, I worked and went to school full time.
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Article On Shan Cureton's Kiddle Commute full-service transportation company continues below...
My youngest son was in Kindergarten, I had another son in middle school, and a daughter in high school. It was challenging picking up my youngest son from class in the middle of the day when I had to work or be in class."
Cureton says she didn't have family available to help her with school pick-ups. "Adding to that stress, my oldest two were taking Lyft.
I was a nervous wreck as I watched the ticker on the app pick up my most precious assets and drop them off at home. I couldn't focus because let's face it, they were strangers.
I had no peace of mind and assurance that the driver was safe." Cureton did some research online and discovered that it was illegal for Lyft to transport minors alone.
"Some drivers would anyway, and some would cancel the ride when they found out it was a child they were picking up. I searched online for a company that could solve my problem, there wasn't a local one, and that's when the light bulb went on.
Kiddie Commute was born." Being a woman of color, Shan was ready to take on the challenges of creating and launching the company.
Any hardships or frustrations that would come were worth it. "With the business and entrepreneurship being dominated by males, it's sometimes challenging for your voice to be heard.
When you can get a word in edgewise you are seen as domineering or too boisterous. This is very disheartening as running a tech company requires a tenacious leader that's not afraid to step out on the balcony."
For this reason, she says it's important for her to lead the company. "There aren't many Black women innovators in the tech industry.
There is a misconception that you must have a technical background to be successful in the space. I don't believe that to always be the case.
If you have a viable problem that needs solving. You start there.
All the logistics on how to get it done will come later." Being on the precipice of something revolutionary within the transportation industry and her family, are things that motivate her into legacy building; believing it's important for her to sow seeds that she may never see grow."
Coming from humble beginnings, it's important to teach my children the meaning of hard work and perseverance. By getting up and pursuing my dreams daily, I've already broken the cycle of oppression that plagues our community."
Cureton says she's grateful that she had the courage to step out on the ledge, and "now that I am here, I'm being watched by my children, family, women, and the Black community. I am a role model and a change maker. This comes with a price. I have no choice but to succeed."
To date, Kiddie Commute has gained clientele in 37 out of San Diego's 89 zip codes, completing over 10K rides. They are the 13th company to become a Transportation Network Company in the state of California, and the 6th to have been given the endorsement to transport children.
The exponential demand for their services has contributed to significant opportunities for the business, with a myriad more pending. Cureton added, “We are seeking funding to expand on our concept to more regions and to become the “go to” solution for parents, extracurricular service providers, government entities, and school districts across the nation. We believe our solution interrupts the way we think about school transportation.”
So that we they can continue to grow and provide safe and reliable transport to children across the nation, they are in need of a little support from the community. To pledge your support visit their Kickstarter campaign here to donate today.
To learn more about investment opportunities available, visit www.kiddiecommute.com or contact Shan at scureton@kiddiecommute.net
Also, follow Kiddie Commute on FB/Instagram @kiddiecommuters and on Twitter @kiddiecommute.
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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