Miami/ Fort Lauderdale, FL The Broward County Chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States of America each year honors community leaders that exemplify the motto, "Global Leadership Begins with the U.S." This year's Scholarship and Awards Luncheon will be held on Sunday, October 21, at the Signature Grand, Davie, Florida. Among this year's award recipients is Laurick Ingram, known as The Give and Save Guy, and Director of Give and Save 365.
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Laurick Ingram's Story
"I grew up as the youngest of eleven children in the James E. Scott Housing Projects of Liberty City," said Ingram. "My father was placed in a state hospital shortly after I was born, and my mother raised me and my siblings with the help of welfare and food stamps."
Ingram's inspiration comes from his mother who generously gave of her time and her money even as she worked and cared for her eleven children. He also learned from people in his community who gave books, food, clothes and other necessities to his family to keep them educated, safe and healthy.
The Mission
The Give and Save 365 Concept is "Creating prosperity through philanthropy." It is rooted in the belief that you can grow your giving through faith and grow your faith through saving. The philosophy came from his pastor, Bishop Victor Curry, who taught him the necessity of giving, and his grandmother, Victoria McCullough, who taught him the power of saving.
The Plan
Ingram lays out an easy plan to create a prosperity cycle in people's lives. The four steps are as follows:
* Give
* Save
* Learn
* Repeat
The challenge is to start immediately, even if only giving and saving a dollar per day. Just as a mustard seed properly planted and cared for can grow into a beautiful tree; a dollar per day properly given and saved can grow into a worthwhile financial future.
About the Give and Save Guy:
Laurick Ingram is a speaker, investor, philanthropist and the author of The Give and Save 365 Easy Money Management Guide. He lives in South Florida with his wife, Kim, and their two sons, Joshua and Jawanza. Laurick has devoted himself and GIVE AND SAVE 365, LLC, to creating prosperity through philanthropy. The organization was founded on the beliefs that you can grow your giving through faith and grow your faith through saving.
For more information about The Give and Save Guy, go to his website www.giveandsave365.com.
For review copies, images, interviews and speaking engagements, please contact Da-Venya Armstrong, Armstrong Creative Consultants, at 305-546-0908 and davenya@acc.miami.
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