Atlanta, GA -- In the city where both Black Lightning and Black Panther
were filmed, there was no hero that Atlanta could claim as its own. That
has changed. Continuing the rise of heroes of color, author DS Brown
brings us Champion.
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Joshua Champion, a self-proclaimed nerd attends WestVale High School on the southside of the city. After years of growing in his geekdom and loving his nerdishness his world has started to change thanks to his friends. He is coming into his own in the world of high school pop life by way of a love for football. For the first time in his life, he is part of the in-crowd. Life couldn’t get any better, and it doesn't.
From the farthest reaches of the cosmos all the way to Earth, forces that stride the cosmos with power beyond reckoning are converging on Atlanta, all to shatter the stability and safety of Joshua’s life, changing him into something he could scarcely imagine beyond his comics. He must take up this mantle of responsibility and defend all that we know. If we are to survive, Joshua must become more than just a hero. He must become Champion.
Get a copy of this Magical Science Fiction Fantasy Space Opera and dive deep into the universe of the world’s newest and perhaps greatest superhero at www.ChampionIsBorn.com
From the farthest reaches of the cosmos all the way to Earth, forces that stride the cosmos with power beyond reckoning are converging on Atlanta, all to shatter the stability and safety of Joshua’s life, changing him into something he could scarcely imagine beyond his comics. He must take up this mantle of responsibility and defend all that we know. If we are to survive, Joshua must become more than just a hero. He must become Champion.
Get a copy of this Magical Science Fiction Fantasy Space Opera and dive deep into the universe of the world’s newest and perhaps greatest superhero at www.ChampionIsBorn.com
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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