By Pierre Clark, Managing Partner, NuMillennium Opportunity Capital Ltd.
How To Enhance Your Own Added Value In The 21st Century Marketplace
Dr. Martin Luther King said Everybody can be great. Because everyone can serve. The key is to be the best at whatever you are. Because the key to success in the world is the value you add in dealing with others in whatever you do in the world. Because everyone out there has a talent where you can contribute and add value to the world.
But in today’s world you have to sharpen, enhance and present that added value. Far too many of you are waiting for someone to validate your own skill set. In the world of the 21st century you will have to validate, build upon improve and market your own skill set and your own ability to add value in whatever circumstance you find yourself in.
Companies are ruthlessly laying off tens of thousands of workers. Using AI and other tools, They are looking to automate and outsource many tasks and skills they formerly paid workers thousands of dollars a month to perform.
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"Resources For Enhancing Your
Added Value In The
21st Century Marketplace"
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Yet at the same time they are telling experts they are constantly seeking workers with skills and that there is an acute shortage of the kind of workers they say they need. Where’s the disconnect? Simple. Companies are laying off workers that they don’t feel add value or needed skills to their bottom line activities. And they are looking for those workers who can perform value added tasks in the rapidly evolving work world of the 21st century. And they are willing to pay handsomely for those workers with the skills they are looking for. People who know how to use and solve problems with AI are being paid hundreds of thousands a year.
If you have and can deliver value-added skills like coding, copywriting, data analysis, creative graphic design, marketing, and sales/promotion - according to Mr. Wonderful, Kevin OLeary - you can write your own ticket and name your own price. Employers are saying that they have three to six million more available jobs than the skilled workers to fill them.
So if you’re not working now, it’s because employers don’t feel you have the skill sets and added value talents for the jobs they have available today. Fortunately it has never been easier to learn and acquire the value added skills you need than it is right now.
Companies are offering online training right now for free or very low cost, including companies like Google and Microsoft, colleges and universities like Harvard and MIT, community colleges in every state, and independent companies like Khan Academy, Coursera, Udemy, and others like them. States are partnering with many of these institutions to underwrite the costs of training resources that you can access for free through a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop.
Here are ten resources that you can access right now for free training and government sources that will pay for specialized training. It’s up to you in the work world of today to prove you have or are willing to learn and provide the value added skills that will keep you employed or in demand in your own side hustle business.
Free classes at Harvard University: Click Here
Free training at Khan Academy: Click Here
Free courses from Microsoft. Click Here
Free Microsoft Courses from Coursera. Click Here
Free AI Courses From Google: Click Here
Free Courses From Quora: Click Here
More Free Microsoft Courses: Click Here
Harvard And MIT. Free Online Courses: Click Here
Chicago-Based Low-Cost And Free Training: Click Here
Free Coding And Programming Classes: Click Here
Robert Schiller once said about success in life: If it is to me, it is up to me. If you want to change the direction and impact of your life, recognize and embrace your own responsibility to improve enhance your own skill set and the added value proposition you offer to the world. Keep on, stay strong, and take charge of your own destiny.
About Pierre Clark - Pierre Clark is a serial entrepreneur who has established several successful for-profit and non-profit entities as well as a technologist, technology and real estate development consultant. He is also a columnist and publisher. Reach Pierre at 312-970-0249, @pierreaclark on social media or e-mail

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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