NY Chamber Leader Phil Andrews Of
The LIAACC Tells Why Joining A
Chamber of Commerce Is
Still A Viable Business
Development Strategy
The LIAACC Tells Why Joining A
Chamber of Commerce Is
Still A Viable Business
Development Strategy
New York, New York — In the age social media and technological advancement being an active member of a chamber of Commerce in your local or regional trade zone can have a tremendous impact on your business’s growth outlook and potential.
Being in the know in business circles can create an atmosphere suitable to business opportunities.
Staying well connected in the community enhances the chances of business colleagues in the chamber passing quality referrals to your business on a regular basis throughout the year.
Most chambers develop some sort of directory listing, and members of the community have a high level of trust for chambers that operate in an excellent manner consistently and provide high levels of service.
Chamber membership gives business owners a big bang for their buck, and can serve as a marketing tool for small business owners and professional service providers.
A business’s reputation can be enhanced by being a reputable business and member of the chamber, but they must also be mindful of continuing to provide quality customer service at all times.
Video & Article With Phil Andrews On Why Joining A Chamber of Commerce Is Still A Viable Business Development Strategy Continues After Sponsor's Messages Below...
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About — The Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. an affiliate of the US Black Chambers, Inc. and has been featured on WABC Here and Now, NBC Positively Black, and Black Enterprise BE Modern Man. New York State’s largest African American Chamber of Commerce LIAACC (Long Island African American Chamber, Inc.) is a shining example of chamber development and its impact on the regional and local area that it is chartered to serve in New York State. Since its inception in 2010; LIAACC has continued to grow significantly in numbers, along with increasing its impact on its service territory. LIAACC helps small business owners in the areas of access to capital, technical assistance, advocacy, and entrepreneurial Training.
In 2019 our chamber was named as the Metro District Office of the United States Small Business Administration Small Business Champion for Downstate, New York. Since 2019 our chamber has worked to Retool, Refocus, and Rebuild Black Business in New York State. As New York State’s largest African American Chamber of Commerce the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. has raised the bar for what it means to be a black chamber in New York State.
“At the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. we believe our chamber will have a substantial impact on both the scope, size, and growth of small business owners in the region for many years into the future.
One of our goals at the chamber is to do outreach to the communities in our region to provide them with compelling information about why small business owners should join the chamber.
For more information on the programs and activities of the chamber or to become a member today visit: www.liaacc.org
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While there are brilliant persons on the Autism Spectrum celebrated today, very little media stories focus on people, especially women of color. Our co-publisher's new bio-pic "nZinga's Spectrum In 3D," is a moving and inspirational documentary on how a young Black woman RISES to overcome her challenges.
nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop. The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share
While there are brilliant persons on the Autism Spectrum celebrated today, very little media stories focus on people, especially women of color. Our co-publisher's new bio-pic "nZinga's Spectrum In 3D," is a moving and inspirational documentary on how a young Black woman RISES to overcome her challenges.
nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop. The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.
Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

About the Southeast Queens Scoop - is the premier website and only publication offering daily news and updates on the events, culture, issues, and is dedicated to the business and economic development in this largely black historic community.
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