"Bloomberg has a record now, so if we fall victim again, then the old adage is true, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." Conrad Bennette Tillard
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OP-ED By Pastor Conrad Bennette Tillard |
Brooklyn, New York -- This is how Mike Bloomberg became Mayor of New York City in 2001, I
was there, the first Black person on the radio to endorse and support
him. Black talk radio and the Black community made him in politics then,
thus he is coming to us again now.
A playbook that he is attempting to dust off again. These folks in the media think they know more than they actually do.
They should have New York folks on to talk about New York stuff. Bloomberg is not a Republican, in fact he has always been a Democrat , he only become a Republican to run for Mayor in 2001. Secondly, why are these folks acting like Bloomberg, is this charismatic figure that will overwhelm the electorate. Showbusiness?
Bloomberg has the charisma of a back office accountant.
Article ON OP-ED by Conrad Bennette Tillard Warning Against Blacks Voting For Mike Bloomberg Continues After Sponsor's Messages Below...
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Article ON OP-ED by Conrad Bennette Tillard Warning Against Blacks Voting For Mike Bloomberg Continues Below...
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Mike Bloomberg Meets Conrad Bennette Tillard |
We had just endured eight years of Rudy Giuliani. Mike seemed moderate and reached out to the black vote as he is doing now, because that was the only way that he could become Mayor. I endorsed him on my show on WBLS Sunday Night Live first a few weeks before the general election, ( Vinny Brown, Peppe, and Mr. Percy Ellis Sutton( Keisha Sutton-James) who were big Democrats miraculously did not fire me, as I fully expected them to, and soon they even endorsed and supported him too.
We fell for the moderate feint, he didn't have a record then. Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams, to his credit warned us, but Green had put out a dog whistle cartoon of Freddy kissing the butt of a then rotund Rev. Al Sharpton, and the Dems thought we had nowhere to go. So we gave Bloomberg a chance, we turned the community out for an unknown Republican Businessman.
Black radio, MTUME, Slade, Judge Bob Pickett and Peter Noel at KISS FM came soon after( WBLS was first) and Dr. Fulani and the Independence Party also played a key role. Credit must first go to a few loyal Black Bloomberg employees led by Burton Waddy, Brett and Dale Favors, that brought him to the community.
The point is, we gave him a chance because he asked in a kind and ernest way in 2001, just like he is doing now. Yet now, we know that we got nothing in return, nothing but indifference, Stop and Frisk, gentrification and the gutting of blacks in the public sector as well, no contracts for our Black business folks, etc.
Bloomberg has a record now, so if we fall victim again, then the old adage is true, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
To see Rev. Tillard's complete video click here
About Rev. Conrad Bennette Tillard Sr.

Rev. Tillard is a Baptist and Congregational minister, licensed and ordained at the historic Abyssinian Baptist Church of the City of New York. He is affiliated with the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc., The American Baptist Churches USA and has held dual standing with the Metropolitan Association of the United Church of Christ, New York Conference.
Rev. Tillard is always very active in his community, serving on boards and in organizations in the parishes that he has served. He preaches frequently in some of the leading church pulpits throughout the New York metropolitan area and the nation. He is also an Adjunct Professor at The City College of New York, in the Black Studies Department. He also host a radio program, Conversations with Conrad on WHCR 90.3 FM. He is also completing his memoir which chronicles his extraordinary journey to the Gospel ministry.
To Discover More About Rev. Tillard Click Here
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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