Nashville, TN Short Cut by Dr. Karen Sloan-Brown (available at Amazon.com) is another great read, faithful to the author's commitment to feature positive Black characters who wrestle with similar challenges that we all deal with in fulfilling our dreams and goals, finding love and happiness, and taking care of family.
The main character, Ernest, is the owner and head barber at the King Cut Barber Shop. He can cut out the likeness of Barack Obama, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X with the words 'By Any Means Necessary' onto a client's scalp with his straight razor that would rival any accomplished artist. He had done all right for himself and his family with a successful business on a rough corner in the hood, except he wanted more.
The main character, Ernest, is the owner and head barber at the King Cut Barber Shop. He can cut out the likeness of Barack Obama, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X with the words 'By Any Means Necessary' onto a client's scalp with his straight razor that would rival any accomplished artist. He had done all right for himself and his family with a successful business on a rough corner in the hood, except he wanted more.
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All he needed was a loan to make his dream of In Ernest Gentlemen's Spa come true. When the bank said no, Eva, the attractive wife of Pinnacle Financial president, said yes. Giving Ernest more than he bargained for, his dream turned to a nightmare. When the volatile cocktail of passion, jealousy, and money are blended together, somebody is bound to end up dead.
About the author
Dr. Karen Sloan-Brown, is the author of eleven books, the non-fiction A Reflection: What a Difference a Day Makes, What About 100 Years?, Educating the Nation on a Shrinking Budget, and six novels, including The Fortunes of Blues and Blessing, Searching for Everland, and A New Season: The Fortunes of Blues and Blessings Book Two. She is currently the Research Lab Coordinator of the Molecular Biology Core Facility at Meharry Medical College. She lives with her husband and daughters in Nashville, Tennessee. Visit her web site at www.karensloanbrown.com
About the author
Dr. Karen Sloan-Brown, is the author of eleven books, the non-fiction A Reflection: What a Difference a Day Makes, What About 100 Years?, Educating the Nation on a Shrinking Budget, and six novels, including The Fortunes of Blues and Blessing, Searching for Everland, and A New Season: The Fortunes of Blues and Blessings Book Two. She is currently the Research Lab Coordinator of the Molecular Biology Core Facility at Meharry Medical College. She lives with her husband and daughters in Nashville, Tennessee. Visit her web site at www.karensloanbrown.com
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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