By Samixchha Raut Rochester Institute of Technology
Nationwide -- Eight years ago, I lived in Goldhap, a refugee camp in Nepal, where more than 7,000 people reside in just over 1,200 households, without running water or electricity. Today, I'm 22, a senior at Rochester Institute of Technology, majoring in Biomedical Science and on a path to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. I am studying for the MCAT exam to apply for medical school. It has been a long journey for me and my family.
My dad, a native of Bhutan, fled the homeland with his family. He settled in Goldhap, where he did construction work in a surrounding town, and later started repairing bicycles. He met my mother; they married and had me, and my two younger brothers. But there was barely enough food to go around.
In 2010, my family was able to immigrate to the United States, where we settled in Raleigh, North Carolina. I studied hard and earned a full scholarship to Rochester Institute of Technology. In the spring of 2018, I participated in a study abroad program with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE). I spent six weeks in each of three locations - studying HIV/Aids Policy & Politics in Cape Town, Media, Gender & Identity in London and Family and Child Development in Paris. The experience reinforced my commitment to be a doctor!
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As a child I was stricken with jaundice, and it wasn't sure that I would survive. My parents worked extra hard and were finally able to purchase the medicine that made me better. Once I recuperated, I decided I wanted to be a doctor to help others.
While studying in South Africa, my class visited a township village, Zwelethemba. I felt like I was back in the refugee camp. The people were living in severe poverty. But you could see and feel the camaraderie and love among the villagers. Every child was being raised by the entire village. I pictured myself in them.
It took me back to our camp, and to our struggles. I spent 13 years of my life in a refugee camp, living just like these people, and then suddenly there I was among them as a scholar. It reaffirmed that I am on the right path. It's important for me to become a doctor and pursue my passion of helping underserved people by providing them with adequate health care.
The study abroad experience was so valuable because I know if I'm to become a doctor and work with a diverse population of people, then I need to experience diversity. This exposure has boosted my motivation to work hard and give back to the community.
CIEE is the oldest and largest nonprofit study abroad and intercultural exchange organization in the U.S, and they are committed to increasing the number of students of color studying abroad. Their mission is to transform lives and build bridges between people and nations.
CIEE has programs at more than 60 international sites, including Berlin, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Copenhagen, London, Madrid, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Santiago, Shanghai and Sydney. They offer need-based and academic scholarships to college and high school students. Last year alone, they provided more than $8 million in scholarships, grants, and financial aid. To learn more about how you can study abroad, visit www.ciee.org/study
While studying in South Africa, my class visited a township village, Zwelethemba. I felt like I was back in the refugee camp. The people were living in severe poverty. But you could see and feel the camaraderie and love among the villagers. Every child was being raised by the entire village. I pictured myself in them.
It took me back to our camp, and to our struggles. I spent 13 years of my life in a refugee camp, living just like these people, and then suddenly there I was among them as a scholar. It reaffirmed that I am on the right path. It's important for me to become a doctor and pursue my passion of helping underserved people by providing them with adequate health care.
The study abroad experience was so valuable because I know if I'm to become a doctor and work with a diverse population of people, then I need to experience diversity. This exposure has boosted my motivation to work hard and give back to the community.
CIEE is the oldest and largest nonprofit study abroad and intercultural exchange organization in the U.S, and they are committed to increasing the number of students of color studying abroad. Their mission is to transform lives and build bridges between people and nations.
CIEE has programs at more than 60 international sites, including Berlin, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Copenhagen, London, Madrid, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Santiago, Shanghai and Sydney. They offer need-based and academic scholarships to college and high school students. Last year alone, they provided more than $8 million in scholarships, grants, and financial aid. To learn more about how you can study abroad, visit www.ciee.org/study
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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