Duncanville, TX -- Everyday, people have walked the face of the earth holding dear to the question of why they exist.
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Higgins Publishing announces the release of the Women of Purpose Anthology as a deliberate answer to this question. The book which comes with a journal, is currently available at HigginsPublishing.com, and will be released worldwide on August 14th, 2018.
The Women of Purpose Anthology is a collection of 31 inspiring stories of professional women who provide insight and direction for women and girls of all ages to enable them to find and follow their path, and to never give up on fulfilling their divine purpose.
Each story will inspire readers to reach for what appears to be impossible, and step out in faith and make their dreams a reality. All 31 chapters are filled with beams to help each reader find purpose in life.
From the first chapter written by Dr. Najah A. Barton, followed by one from Jazmine Blake, Vanessa Brown, Veronica Clanton-Higgins, Alexandria Cunningham, Nikeisha Darensburgh, Benta Davis, Judy Davis, Chontae Edison, Rashell Evans, Incredible Faith, Nealy Gihan, Dr. Sandra Hamilton (Hill), Shanene Higgins, Tasha Huston, Leona Johnson, Nora Macias, Leandra Mclaurin, Judge Shirlyon McWorther, Michele Mills, Dr. Ngozi M. Obi, Beverly Reynolds, Tiffany Richards, Jasmine Spratt-Clarke, Shaunic Stanford, Quinn Thompson, Emem Washington, Dr. Michelle K. Watson, Dr. Pamela R. Wiggins, Erin Williams and finally, the thirty-first chapter by Deborah Young.
"The main purpose of this book is to be an inspiration to women and girls to never give up on fulfilling their purpose in life, no matter what obstacles they face. The book comes along with the Women of Purpose Companion Journal to challenge females across the globe to discover their purpose and take their life by the reins," Shanene Higgins, the CEO & Founder of Higgins Publishing, who is the visionary of this project with 30 other phenomenal professional women, remarked in a statement released to the press about the Women of Purpose Anthology.
During the book release event scheduled to take place on Sunday, August 19th, 2018 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 800 North Main Street, Duncanville, Texas at 3:00pm, a documentary film project will begin about how the Women of Purpose project was birthed and why. Major sponsors for the film production include C. Del Peoples, Executive Director of Shine The Light Network Broadcasting, Rodney J. Peoples, President of Alpha & Omega Productions LLC, The Cartel Group and Higgins Publishing. The documentary is slated to be released on major TV networks that will be announced before the date.
The Women of Purpose Anthology is written in the English language and goes for $24.99 per copy for softcover, $39.95 for hardcover, $19.95 for e-book, and $14.99 for the journal. The hardcover, journal and e-book are full-color editions. For further inquiries and how to procure the book, please visit Higgins Publishing’s website at www.HigginsPublishing.com or call Shanene Higgins at 510-473-5054.
About Higgins Publishing
Higgins Publishing partners with clients to translate their dreams into reality. The company also works with new and established authors to enhance their brand through product design, marketing, promotion and distribution.
"The main purpose of this book is to be an inspiration to women and girls to never give up on fulfilling their purpose in life, no matter what obstacles they face. The book comes along with the Women of Purpose Companion Journal to challenge females across the globe to discover their purpose and take their life by the reins," Shanene Higgins, the CEO & Founder of Higgins Publishing, who is the visionary of this project with 30 other phenomenal professional women, remarked in a statement released to the press about the Women of Purpose Anthology.
During the book release event scheduled to take place on Sunday, August 19th, 2018 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 800 North Main Street, Duncanville, Texas at 3:00pm, a documentary film project will begin about how the Women of Purpose project was birthed and why. Major sponsors for the film production include C. Del Peoples, Executive Director of Shine The Light Network Broadcasting, Rodney J. Peoples, President of Alpha & Omega Productions LLC, The Cartel Group and Higgins Publishing. The documentary is slated to be released on major TV networks that will be announced before the date.
The Women of Purpose Anthology is written in the English language and goes for $24.99 per copy for softcover, $39.95 for hardcover, $19.95 for e-book, and $14.99 for the journal. The hardcover, journal and e-book are full-color editions. For further inquiries and how to procure the book, please visit Higgins Publishing’s website at www.HigginsPublishing.com or call Shanene Higgins at 510-473-5054.
About Higgins Publishing
Higgins Publishing partners with clients to translate their dreams into reality. The company also works with new and established authors to enhance their brand through product design, marketing, promotion and distribution.
With the digital age continually advancing, Higgins Publishing also helps authors meet the ever-increasing demand of presenting true-life stories for the purpose of film consideration, production and distribution.
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She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

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