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Friday, November 13, 2015

State Senator James Sanders Jr. On Veterans Day

NY State Senator James Sander Jr.
On Veteran's Day, we remember the brave men and women of our armed forces who have defended our country and sacrificed so much to protect our freedom. As a proud Marine Corps veteran, I would like to thank my fellow service members for responding to the call of duty. Please know that I support you and stand in solidarity with you, not just on Veteran's Day, but every day. May God Bless Our Veterans and God Bless America.

We must separate 2 things: going to war, and serving in the military. The 1st is the province of elected officials (and often the media). The 2nd is your son's and daughters, who through patriotism or the poverty draft, serve in the armed forces.

If we feel that any particular war is unjust, then protest it, and elect politicians who uphold your will. When your sons, daughters, fathers and mothers come home, welcome them back from a man-made hell. Just one Marine talking.

Today i take a group of formerly homeless and hospitalized veterans to a great restaurant where we will break bread and talk of life. i will be listening as to how my office can aid them as they recover. As a veteran of the U.S.M.C., i understand their struggle to come home because THERE BUT THE GRACE OF GOD, GO I.

*** An added bonus, i am taking my 94 year-old veteran father, to the breakfast***

State Senator James Sanders Jr. with his 94 Year Young Dad on Veterans Day